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Far Cough 4:30 Mon Dec 6
Jury Service
Just had my first ever summons. I'm not looking to avoid it just what to expect and any tips are welcome

Thank you, please

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Boycie 3:10 Fri Dec 10
Re: Jury Service
I said I couldn't sit all day because I was too fat and I would get sweaty balls

eusebiovic 5:48 Thu Dec 9
Re: Jury Service
My favourite waste of time on jury service was when a bunch of winos on the north end road in Fulham got accused of pulling a knife on somebody who they got into an argument with. It wasn't much of a knife more like one of those short blunt ones with the ivory handles you get in a flea market in France.

Anyway, to cut a long story short - the Fulham cop shop organize the I.D parade at Brixton Police Station because their facilities were not suitable or something stupid. The guys doing the identification turn up at Brixton reception and say they are there for the I.D parade and get sent around the corner and told to ring the bell on a maximum security metal door. They get let in and to their horror find that the accused are sitting there in the lobby - thus totally compromising the integrity of the investigation!

In short, a complete waste of police time and more importantly jury service and court costs because the dopey fucks couldn't organize themselves properly.

Just think, we all pay for this outstanding public service.

Block 1:58 Thu Dec 9
Re: Jury Service

Made me realise that it is worth doing despite the fact its a proper ballache.

Has whufcroe logged in under your name?

Kaiser Zoso 1:45 Thu Dec 9
Re: Jury Service

Mr Kenzo 1:41 Thu Dec 9
Re: Jury Service
Was you found guilty Gayvies ?

JustAFatKevinDavies 1:35 Thu Dec 9
Re: Jury Service
had a rape case at Snaresbrook. Was probably one of the most troubling experiences of my life and I think about it quite a lot, and that's entirely to do with the other jurors and not the case itself.

Made me realise that it is worth doing despite the fact its a proper ballache.

Block 1:19 Thu Dec 9
Re: Jury Service
hevy chase 4:26 Thu Dec 9

AG fucking tastic

Lee Trundle 1:18 Thu Dec 9
Re: Jury Service
chevy chase 4:26 Thu Dec 9

hahaha superb!

madeeasy 1:08 Thu Dec 9
Re: Jury Service
chevy chase 4:26 Thu Dec 9

I like your mate! That's fucking brilliant

chevy chase 4:26 Thu Dec 9
Re: Jury Service
Had one in the post when I was back in London. Told work I’d need 2 weeks off. Thought happy days. It was just before Xmas and I get a phone call with some bloke telling me “I hear your about to be on the Jury on an upcoming trial” “yeah”. “I think you’ll find it in your best interests to find this person not guilty” “we know where you live and we know where you work”. Told me dad and he said you just won’t do it, keep out. For a week I was paranoid. Standing on train platforms thinking some assassin is gonna push me on the tracks. Ended up ringing the police to find out what trial I was on but they had no case on record. Turned out it was one of my mates on a windup. Used his next door neighbour to make the call. Copper on the phone said tell your mate to stop quote “fucking wasting our time”

Sarge 12:08 Thu Dec 9
Re: Jury Service
The straight and narrow...........

Sarge 12:07 Thu Dec 9
Re: Jury Service
Best deterrent there is for staying on frustrating and narrow. Having your future in the hands of the thick, prejudiced and disinterested.

Did it once at Kingston. Got a possession case which lasted 2 hours - and an armed robbery case that lasted a week.

At the same time there was terrorism case about to start - they pulled a pool of 60 from those gathered and set about asking who could take on a 3 month case. Lots of security in play for that one.

Grumpster 11:56 Wed Dec 8
Re: Jury Service
Unfortunately all of them Joe.

Seems gang rape is very popular with them, with underage sex massive amongst the chaps who think it will get them loads of virgins in death.

White rapist arseholes obviously can't get it up if others are watching so go it alone!!!

So fucking weird rape, just have a wank.

Gary Strodders shank 11:20 Wed Dec 8
Re: Jury Service
Having been called again to attend next month I dare say i will now be asked to wear a mask all bloody day.

joe royal 11:13 Wed Dec 8
Re: Jury Service

Were they……. You know?

Grumpster 11:07 Wed Dec 8
Re: Jury Service
99 out of 100 cases are probably boring as fuck.

Mum had a gang rape case at Snaresbrook and all the jurors had to have police escorts home every night as clearly not all the gang had been caught and were threatening everyone outside.

I mean that right there made it pretty fucking obvious the others were all guilty.

Pedant 10:57 Wed Dec 8
Re: Jury Service
Had a case that was alleged shoplifting at Heathrow by a director of the UK branch of a (very) big US company (he had actually left his wallet on his trolley and absent-mindedly walked out of Smiths to get it, carrying a book - that he could claim on exes anyway).

By the time the prosecution rested at least 10 out of 12 were ready to acquit without hearing the defence - and but for two old biddies who refused to believe a cop would ever fuck up at all, never mind this obviously - might have tried to (and, it turns out you are allowed to!).

Eventually the biddies were pressured into acquitting or face having to come back the next day (seriously). He was acquitted.

Foreman went out for a fag and the defendant saw him and came over to thank him. He hadn't told his employer, hadn't told his wife, nobody. For six fucking months with that over his head 'cos a cop with his nickometer on overdrive couldn't wait 15 secs to see if there was an offence.

And 12 people like those old biddies and he would have been fucked.

northbankboy68 12:31 Wed Dec 8
Re: Jury Service
Take a long read book

bruuuno 2:56 Tue Dec 7
Re: Jury Service
Ag ag peewee, took me a while

penners28 2:35 Tue Dec 7
Re: Jury Service
I done it years back. had a beating and a theft of a phone

got called onto the first line up for a murder case, then found out was to do with gypsies so was allowed to swerve as half my family are from that community

found it all quite interesting tbh

Lee Trundle 2:23 Tue Dec 7
Re: Jury Service
I'm quick picky about this.

I'd like to do jury service for the experience, but wouldn't want a boring case or to be sat around for hours doing nothing, and I wouldn't want something that is likely to give me PTSD for the rest of my life.

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